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Testing and Screening

Selected students must be screened for admission according to the grade level they are applying for. Screening sessions will be scheduled, and dates will be communicated during the application process.

1. Developmental Screener:

The school will send the child’s current homeroom teacher a development checklist. The parent may fill out the checklist if the child has not enrolled in a school. The checklist will be reviewed and combined with knowledge gained from the parent interview. If any concerns are flagged, the school will arrange for a specialist to conduct a full development screening.

2. Parent Interview:

Parents must be interviewed to gauge whether their family’s hopes and expectations align with the school’s mission. During the interview, we will also learn more about the applicant to prepare for their placement in the school.

3. Academic Screener:

For admission into Primary School, we will use the NWEA MAP Growth assessment to gather information about incoming students. For admission into Preschool, students will need to participate in a one-to-one interview with a teacher to check their understanding of important concepts needed to be known to adapt to the year level successfully.

The screening session is not a test to rank students based on performance but an opportunity to better understand a child’s readiness to enter our school program and to address any possible needs in advance. 

Additional screeners or information about specific needs may be requested and may impact the admissions decision. We also reserve the right to conduct further testing to re-evaluate enrolled students if any concerns arise to determine whether our current school resources can continue supporting your child.

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