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Welcome to Denla Trilingual School

Welcome to DLTS, where we foster a vibrant learning community dedicated to nurturing young minds and shaping future leaders in an increasingly interconnected world. As the head of DLTS, it is my pleasure to extend this warm welcome to all visitors, parents, and prospective students.

At DLTS, our motto is, “Choose Excellence”. Our commitment to this motto enables us to provide a world-class education instilling the values our students will need for the future. DLTS encompasses the holistic development of each student, empowering them with resilience, responsibility and respect. These values enable our students to contribute greatly to Thailand and become exceptional global citizens.

Central to our mission is our unwavering dedication to recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers who embody passion, expertise, and a genuine love for teaching. Our educators are not only qualified and experienced but they also possess a deep-seated commitment to fostering creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, caring and communication skills in our students. Our teachers continually update their own knowledge and pedagogical practices to ensure that our students receive the highest quality education possible.

At DLTS, we prioritise the safety and well-being of our students. We provide a nurturing environment that promotes both physical and psychological safety. We understand the importance of physical safety and are constantly looking for improvements in this area. We also ensure psychological safety. We understand the importance of psychological safety when developing confident students who are capable of success under the pressure of high stakes examinations.

DLTS is very committed to the preparation of students for their future academic and career success. Our rigorous academic programme ensures students are STEM literate and able to communicate in English, Thai and Chinese. We are committed to challenge and inspire our students to reach their full potential, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to excel in an ever-evolving global landscape.

The most unique aspect of our school is that every non-Thai/Chinese class is taught by a native English-speaking teacher. Even our enrichment classes like PE, music and art are all taught by native English speaking teachers. If a student attends any of these classes and is not taught by a native English speaking teacher, we would see that as being a lost opportunity. This aspect of DLTS develops language proficiency and cultural understanding amongst our students.

I invite you to explore our website further to learn more about our academic programmes, extracurricular activities, and the vibrant community that makes DLTS a truly exceptional place for learning and growth. Thank you for considering DLTS as the educational home for your child’s future. You are in very good hands with us.

Best regards,
Dr. Matthew Fahey
Head of Denla Trilingual School

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